what is date? - Best safe food


what is date? - Best safe food

what is date?

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  Dates :

Date is a very rich-nutritious fruit that could grow in a very poor environment. [1] The plant is commonly grown in arid regions of Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia, and has been introduced in North America and Australia. [2] The fruit is a symbol of diversity with hundreds of cultivars and clones that no other fruit can match. You can even consume the fruit as rutab, semidry, or dry as raison. [1] Dates are traditionally used for several purposes although the nutritional significance of the date fruits as food is beyond imagination. Chemical analysis of date fruits indicated large variation in nutritional composition, depending on the species cultivars. Date fruits in general contain numbers of components of polyphenols, including phenolic acids, hydroxycinnamates, flavonoid glycosides, coumarins, alkaloids and proanthocyanidin oligomers, flavor volatile compounds, and more constituents that vary with different date varieties. The date palm and desert date differ in color and shape, and mostly in the taste of fruit flesh taste because of the large difference in sugar content. [2]

Some Benefits of Dates:

The high nutrient content of the fruit contributes to its highly beneficial properties. In the following, we will be discussing some more  important benefits that dates can have on your health:

  •      Dates are Rich in Vitamins
  •     Improves Brain Functionality
  •           Reduces Risk of Cancer
  •           Helps Fight Diabetes
  •            Promotes Bone Health

Types of dates:

Not all dates look and taste the same. There are various kind of this fruit that can be found across the globe. There are somekindsof dates here in IRAN and all of them produce from Bam, Hormozgan, Kerman and Ahvaz crops:

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