Raisins - Best safe food


Raisins - Best safe food


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Raisins and other dried fruits such as figs, apricots, prunes, and dates are very popular in the Mediterranean diet. All dried fruits are the healthy sweet snack; they are relatively cheap and easy to store and use in cuisine. [1]

Seedless raisins may be obtained from United States, Turkey, Chile, South Africa, Iran and India. Smyrna sultanas, which are similar, may be obtained from Greece, Turkey, Australia and Iran. Both seedless raisins and sultanas are larger and juicier than currants and are therefore more difficult to use in biscuit making. [2] Various fruits like raisins, prunes, dates and figs are processed to form pastes and syrups (concentrates). The syrups are water extracts concentrated to 70% solids under vacuum and the pastes are macerated to about 75% solids. [3]


Some benefits of raisins:

raisins contain beneficial components for human health. They are rich in fiber and phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds. Despite a 60% sugar content, several studies have reported health-promoting properties for raisins. furthermore, raisins represent an important source of potassium and other bioactive compounds, including phenolic compounds and tartaric acid, which may benefit human health. We mention some benefits of using raisins: [4]


-        Use for heart health

-        Use for oral health

-        Use for blood pressure

-        Use for weight loss

-        Use for thyroid




additional tips about raisins:


-         Raisins are a good source of iron, which is important for the production of red blood cells. 

-         Raisins are a natural source of boron, which may help improve bone health. 

-         Raisins are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, and calcium. 

-         Raisins have been shown to have potential anticancer properties. 

-         Raisins have a low glycemic index, making them a suitable snack for individuals with diabetes. 

-         Raisins contain natural sugars, which can provide a quick source of energy.




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